Last month was national bike month and with the enabling powers of my manager, dad, and husband, I started riding a bike to work. The ride is 11 miles and it takes me just over an hour to complete. In elementary school my sister and I used to ride our bikes to school every morning. Our family lived in Arizona in a home about 20 houses away from the school, and during the school year the weather was pretty good. It was “cold” in the mornings (mid 60s) and “hot” in the afternoons (mid 80s), so I wore shorts year-round, and the big question every morning was always whether or not to wear a sweatshirt over my t-shirt. Riding a bike to school was no big deal. When I got older my middle school was too far, so I rode the bus like everyone else in my neighborhood. In college I walked, and ever since I started working full time I have either driven or bused. I had no idea that the day would come that would give me the opportunity to ride a bike again for my daily commute. Biking to w...