James has kidney cancer. As David and I were driving to baby Isaac’s newborn photoshoot (5/27) we were talking about how lucky we were to have three beautiful and healthy boys with none of them having any major health problems, whoo boy did we speak too soon. Six days later David found himself in the Seattle Children’s Hospital Emergency Department with James awaiting a diagnosis that would forever change our lives. James has always had a round tummy, as a baby he had rolls to rival the Michelin Man. As he grew to be a toddler, his rolls all went away, but his round tummy stayed. We always assumed that it was because toddlers often have large tummies until they grow taller and it slims out, that was our experience with Neil. However, James’s tummy was always larger and rounder than we thought it should be, but we never questioned it too much. At James’s 2-year appointment (5/9), the pediatrician examined James and mentioned that James’s large and round tummy might be due to bloati...