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Showing posts from September, 2022

James has Wilms' Tumors (Update 4)

James’s surgery on September 8th was a big success and went as well as we could have hoped for! Today, James and David came home from the hospital after a 12-day hospital stay.  Before the surgery James was given some medicine to relax him. David was holding him and a few seconds after he just started laughing, smiling, and waving at everyone. After David said goodbye, the doctors took him to the operating room; we were told that he smiled and waved at every person he passed, charming the whole floor. The surgeons removed the large tumor and kidney on the right side and 11 small tumors in the left kidney, as well as some lymph nodes around the abdomen to test if any of the cancer spread. We are still waiting on the results from pathology to know the exact weights of the tumors, their full composition, and the lymph node results.  David called me on FaceTime after the surgery for his conversation with the surgeon and it was really special seeing her describe the results of the ...