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Showing posts from August, 2016

Camping at Lost Lake

This past weekend Mr. D and I ventured out of Seattle for our second camping trip of the summer. When Mr. D and I got married I remember explaining to him that I wasn't a camper (I was more of a shower everyday type of girl) and somehow we have managed to go twice this summer. At the end of the trip I even caught myself saying that I loved camping to one of our friends! Something that has been key for me in camping is being prepared for camping and bringing the right stuff. Thankfully we have a generous family in our ward at church that is happy to loan us some of their camping gear, which we've been incredibly grateful for. Mr. D and I had trouble finding a campsite, but got lucky and were able to find a beautiful space by a lake large enough for three tents for our group of six. Our neighbors we camped by were a little rowdy, but Mr. D had brought his earplugs so we were able to sleep well both nights we were there. On Saturday we hiked to Mirror Lake together where ...

My Involvement with the Girls Who Code program

This year I have the opportunity to volunteer again with the Girls Who Code program through my employer, Expedia. I love this program and hope when you learn about it you will share my enthusiasm for the program. When I share my involvement with Girls Who Code, a program that teaches high-school aged girls programming skills, with friends, I sometimes hear complaints about how unfair it is that this program that benefits “only women” exists. While I understand the complaint, I also disagree with it because I feel this type of advantage for young girls benefits our society made up of men and women as a whole. Our society greatly benefits from raising confident, capable women. Having come from a graduating class of 2 women (out of 60 students) for my Masters degree, I am acutely aware of some of the challenges of being part of a minority in the programming field and agree that programs such as this one are necessary. Last year was my first year volunteering with the Girls Who C...