The Wedding and Our First Month of Marriage

We've been married a little over a month now...

I've been finishing up my last two classes at school and will graduate in less than two weeks! Since I'll be graduating with a Masters, I tell David he's going to have to start calling me Master. He just laughs at me. He knows he has the upper hand because of the pact he made a few weeks ago with my Dad...

When my Dad was in town, they agreed that they weren't going to call their wives Master, ever, even though my mom and I will both have Masters when I'm done. David and I have only been married about a month and already David's making pacts with my family members! Once, I came home from classes only to find David chatting on the phone with my Mom about "secret things". I never know exactly what I'm going to come home to. 

David actually graduated a couple days before we got married... So now....

He's my house-husband. 

...I love it.

Most days when I come home from classes David's preparing dinner. I fully expected that while I was taking classes spring term David would find time to catch up on all the Star Craft he missed out on while we were dating. I was wrong. He's taken up a lot of the responsibility around the apartment like cooking dinner, doing laundry, packing me lunch, doing dishes... Actually, it's a little embarrassing how much David does for me so I can just sit around and do homework.

Our photographer blogged us for our wedding, so here are the links if you want to see more pictures!

Our Red Rock Canyon Bride and Groom Session

Our Wedding Day:

Well. Married life is great! I'd recommend it.
-Mr. D. and Mrs. M.
