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Meeting your "soul-couple"

Getting married is kind of like winning the lottery. I mean, seriously. So much work goes into meeting and dating others, and it was so tricky learning all the unspoken rules of dating while letting relationships develop naturally. You have to be ready, they have to be ready, and the stars just have to align a bit for everything to work out well. For me, now that I've found my special someone, I get to just hang out with him and there is no more worrying about first dates ever again... or is there? 
A few years ago, a classmate shared,
"When you get married, the dating doesn’t stop. The main difference is, though, rather than just dating one person, you actually date other couples. It's even trickier though because not only does the guy have to like the guy, but the girl also has to like the girl."
When I first heard my classmate say this, I was actually kind of sad. I mean, dating was hard enough, why should it have to get harder?? Thankfully though I haven't found it to be trickier thus far, and rather I've found couple dating to be pretty fun!
David and I have enjoyed getting together with other couples over the past few months. We're both excited when we get asked out on "second dates" with other couples and just really enjoy all the time we get to spend reconnecting with friends and finding new ones.
In How I Met Your Mother, Lily and Marshall try to find couples to go on double-dates with, but are both terrible at it (HIMYM Season 5 Episode 4). The only link I could find shows Marshall trying too hard to get their couple friends to try his gouda cheese.
First dates when you're single are always a little awkward--there's a lot of basic information you just have to get out so that you can move on to more interesting things. You ask where they're from, what they like to do, what they're studying, and just really try to get to know a new person.
When you get married you get to ask much better questions. You can ask a couple how they met, things they learned about each other after they got married, and, to be honest, these answers are a lot more funny than the answers I ever got on a first date when I was single.
And the best part is that after your date you're always with your best friend so of course you had a good time.
I remember one night just being so happy after we said goodnight to one of our couple friends and telling David, "I think they're our soul-couple." We've been so blessed to enjoy getting to know so many great people!
We are enjoying living in Seattle area and continuing to make new friends, especially our couple friends. :)
-Mr. D and Mrs. M


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