LA, Disneyland, and San Diego

To take advantage of the Memorial Day holiday, Mr. D and I visited California. Our vacation consisted of three parts: LA with old friends, Disneyland with each other, and San Diego with David's sister and her family.

Saturday morning at 4:30 am our alarms went off and by late morning we arrived at the LA airport where Brendan and Alee picked us up.

To say they were awesome hosts would be an understatement! The three days we spent with them included plenty of beach volleyball, playing in the ocean, bike riding, eating great food, hanging out, hiking, and all the touristy things.

One night we decided we all wanted to watch a movie together and spent a good hour narrowing down our options. We narrowed them down to 'Endless Love', which ended up being way worse than we could have imagined. The movie was one awful scene after another, and by the end of the movie we felt ourselves empathizing more with the antagonist more than the protagonist of the film. When the movie finally ended we realized that there were two hours of our life we couldn't have back.

To try to remedy the situation, we watched an hour long special by Gabriel Iglesias, a comedian known as Fluffy. Thankfully his jokes worked on us and we were able to end the night on a good note.

The main highlight of being with them was chatting with them about anything and everything. We hope they come visit us in Seattle soon!

After spending time with Brendan and Alee we went to Disneyland for three days where we got to do all the rides we wanted. One ride we really enjoyed was the new Cars Land ride.

Halfway through our second day at Disneyland, David's sister and her family met up with us. Danielle and Miles are in the top left of this picture from when we went on Splash Mountain. We regret to say that we didn't take any other pictures of our two nephews (or really anyone else but ourselves), but we had a lot of fun playing with them. 

On our last morning we had something called a 'Magical Morning' where David and I got to go into Disneyland an hour early. About five minutes before our magical morning would end, we decided we wanted to take a picture in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle. We waited our turn for the photographer, and literally seconds before the gate was opened to the other Disneylanders, we had our pictures taken. Had we been another 20 seconds later, we would have had swarms of people all over the photo, haha.

After Disneyland, we went to Max and Danielle's place in San Diego. With Brendan and Alee they were always asking us what we wanted to do next, but with Max and Danielle, we kept being asked what we wanted to eat. While we were there, we made sure to have dessert every night; we ate milkshakes, m&m cookies, frozen yogurt, and chocolate fondue. :)

On Memorial Day, Max and Danielle invited a few of their friends to come over with their kids for a BBQ. With eight little kids running around, it was a pretty crazy ordeal, but with the food, company, and homemade ice cream, our vacation ended on a high note! 

We had a great trip!

-Mr. D and Mrs. M
