Ordinary People

We’ve all had one of “those” days: A day when some irrevocably terrible thing has happened and we want to write the day off as a disaster. Sometimes, we do just have to sleep on it and hope for a better tomorrow, but this post is about how those days, and even just some the ordinary ones, are transformed into something special. This post is a special thanks to ordinary people.

We were faced with our first disaster when we were picking my parents and sister up at the airport. David and I had arrived at the airport and were waiting in the cell lot in my parent’s car, which was going to be big enough to fit all of their luggage. My parents called us to let us know their plane had landed and that they were still waiting on the runway. As David and I waited in the car listening to music, we heard our car go quiet and realized we had killed the battery. Sheepishly we knocked on car doors in the cell lot until we found a kind lady with jumper cables to start our car. We were thankful to have found someone to make our lives that much easier.

The following week on my way to the bus stop from my apartment I managed to drop my badge. Loosing a badge by itself sucks a little, but this one happened to have a bus card inserted in the plastic loaded with about $60. I had figured I would look for it on the way home, but about an hour at the office and I received an email telling me that someone had my badge. A kind soul in my apartment complex had picked up my badge and delivered it to the building I work at in downtown Bellevue. How out of the way that must have been.

I was able to forward on some kindness after work when I saw a coworker with her hair done up nice. I told her that I saw a sophisticated looking lady ahead of me and then realized it was her. She blushed and told me I had made her day. Another person I saw on the way back to the bus needed directions that I was able to help out with.

Mr. D and I are grateful for smiles from strangers and the everyday little things we get to see people do for each other.

-Mr. D and Mrs. M

Our family was returning from Peru!
