How to Celebrate Valentine’s Day If You’re Not Valentine’s Day People

David and I aren’t really Valentine’s Day people, but we do try to observe the holiday in our own way. Here’s a couple ways that we celebrated this year:

Friday we celebrated Valentine’s Day together in our odd, but now traditional way by going out to McDonald’s. We both ordered big macs and spit a large order of fries. We thought it was pretty cool that we saw one of David’s coworkers while we were there. Apparently we aren’t the only ones that think going to McDonald’s around Valentine’s Day is a good idea. (Okay, fine, we know that it’s normal for them because they have three little kids.)

Saturday we had a few couples over for a Valentine’s Day party. To decorate, we purchased red wrapping paper and covered frames on our walls with it. We planned a few games to play, mostly picking ideas from this random website. We wrote romantic movie titles on stickies and put one on each person’s back. Each guest tried to guess their movie by asking yes or no questions. In another game, I had each couple write on notecards a few facts about their relationship and we read each fact and tried to guess who it was about. David and I also bought two whiteboards and then had each couple go head to head by asking them a question and seeing if they could write down the same response. Everyone got a good laugh when one guest asked us to write down David’s guilty pleasure and both David and I wrote down “cleaning”. Overall we had a great time and loved seeing a few of our good friends. Although David and I are not Valentine’s Day people, we felt the way we observed it was perfect.

-Mr. D and Mrs. M


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