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Brendan and Alee's Wedding

Brendan and Alee at the reception
This past weekend Mr. D and I traveled to Los Angeles to attend the wedding of our friends Brenden and Alee. They have been great friends to us ever since Brendan and I did internships at Walmart in 2010. We absolutely loved attending their wedding and are so happy for the commitment they have made to figure life out with each other together.

I loved how personalized their wedding felt; the beachside wedding (that fit Brendan’s love for the beach), the wedding vows (which were full of philosophy and humor, true to Brendan’s personality), the decorative sign that said “I love you” in multiple languages including Japanese (where Brendan studied abroad), and the stories told about the couple throughout the night that reflected the thoughtful people Brendan and Alee are.

During toasts, one young girl told a story about a time when they all went to build-a-bear together about eight years earlier when Brendan and Alee’s courtship had begun. The girl had wanted Alee to bring Brendan and the mom had instructed them to come home with just one stuffed-animal. When they got there, the girl, about five years old at the time, fell in love with a pair of reindeer. Alee encouraged them to make the grown-up decision to just purchase one. As they moved forward with their decision, Brendan saw how badly the girl wanted the other reindeer and insisted that they purchase the second one as well.

Brendan can easily see what other people want and is someone who consciously spends his time making life better for the people around him. He is thoughtful and analytical, but also knows how to laugh and be fun. I saw elements true to his character throughout the night. I appreciated Brendan’s promise to Alee to make and treat her as his partner.

The wedding was incredibly beautiful and we feel privileged to have been able to attend. We wish them a lifetime of happiness together in this next stage of their lives.

Christy, Adam, and Molly
On our trip we also got to see our old friends Christy and Adam, who we first became friends with when they lived in Seattle and we went to church in the Klahanie Ward together. We were instant friends with them and feel very fortunate we still get to see them every once in a while. Their baby girl is now 13 months, just started walking, and is completely adorable. We admire them as parents and hope when we have children we can be as good of parents as they are.

Together we went on a few mini adventures together. For example, we went to Trader Joe’s and purchased all sorts of cookies and cookie butter which was delicious but way too much sugar, played a new game called “Cover your Assets” which Mr. D dominated both times we played, and went to church with them where we got to listen to Christy sing a beautiful solo.

We loved chatting, hanging out, and being with them. We are so grateful for our talented friends.

-Mr. D and Mrs. M

Selfies in front of the dance floor

Beachfront ceremony

Bride and Groom

The Venue

Getty Villa

Playing with the Seagulls

Bride and Groom


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I decided to cut it short again and made a donation to the Pantene Beautiful Lengths program.


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