We're Expecting! A Little About First Trimester

Mr. D and I are expecting! Here is baby Twitchell’s first photo:

This past week I entered second trimester and have heard from some of my pregnant friends that there is a good chance I will start to feel better in the next few weeks.

Something I did not know about until getting pregnant is that some pregnant women have food aversion the first trimester, meaning that no food sounds good. Even though nothing sounds good, it is important for me to eat because if I don’t eat, I start getting pretty sick and kind of spiral downwards pretty fast. I keep saltine crackers by my bed so I can get up in the morning. Something that has been important to me is finding foods to snack on during the day so that I can eat every couple hours and feel okay.

It has been interesting to me to see how the magic food changes over time. It started out sounding fairly normal—toast with butter—which, was a little weird to me because I don’t regularly eat bread and here I found myself buying a couple loaves of wheat bread to keep up with my toast addiction. Then it was hardboiled eggs. David bought one of the packs of 18 eggs, hard-boiled them all, and they disappeared from me eating them plain, as deviled eggs, and as part of an egg salad sandwich...and then I wanted more. Most recently I have been very interested in hot wings. We bought a bag full of frozen ones from Costco and every couple days we make up a new batch smothered in hot buffalo sauce for me to be able to eat a few, then we pack the rest away in the fridge for me to microwave later as snacks.

Overall I have probably had a fairly typical pregnancy and I have been lucky to only have needed to take one sick day at work thus far. We have several other stories we can share, but at the risk of TMI, I have decided that if you really want to know you can just ask in person.

-Mr. D and Mrs. M
