Little guy turns 1 year old

We celebrated Neil's upcoming first birthday this past weekend with a Cinco de Mayo birthday party– a party complete with pinata, festive balloons, and David's copycat Cafe Rio. We learned a party with kids is more chaotic than the all-adult parties we've been used to, but as I watched the babies crawl over each other on the floor and slightly older kids taking turns whacking the pinata while blindfolded, I felt gratitude for family and the deepening friendships we have formed over the past few years. We look forward to the promise of more days full of this happy choas.

For the first-birthday smash cake, David made strawberry shortcake and we were excited to see what Neil would think of his first experience with whipped cream:
It is intense to realize that our little one is turning 1 –to watch him start to look and act more like a toddler and less like a newborn– but overall we are enjoying getting to know him and watching him grow up.

-Mr. D and Mrs. M
