Birthday in Port Ludlow and Being Local

This past weekend our family went across the water over to Port Ludlow area to celebrate the 2nd birthday of my high school friend's daughter. We enjoyed seeing our old friends, their new place, and celebrating this milestone with their family. On our journey there, we tried out a new to us breakfast place with Mr. Neil off the Edmonds ferry in Kingston and enjoyed some smiles off the ferry ride.

One of our friends has fruit trees in her yard with more fruit than her family can eat, so my mom and I took an afternoon to pick some to take home. Mr. Neil loved the small "Neil size" apples.
Mr. Neil loves to ride on dad's shoulders.
We love hiking as a family.
Mr. Neil enjoys climbing and exploring all places, especially our car.
He also loves turning the light switches on and off.
-Mr. D, Mrs. M, and Mr. Neil
