Our boys had birthdays

This past week Neil turned four years old. He's starting to learn how to share and to chose to share. My experience is that kids can have a difficult time learning about sharing. Neil often choses not to share... but perhaps this is changing:

Earlier this week we were with his Aunt Ellie and while Neil was enjoying a bowl of ice cream, Ellie asked if she could have some. Neil said no at first, she said okay, and then a few minutes later Neil decided he was willing to share and shared about an 1/8 teaspoon's worth of ice cream to her. She said thank you and told him how much she appreciated it.

Later when our family was celebrating Neil's birthday, we got to see Neil share again:

Dad: Neil what part of the cake would you like for your slice of cake?
Neil: I would like to have the yellow balloon.
Grandma: I love yellow balloons, Neil could I have some of the yellow balloon too?
(Neil thinks about it for a little bit)
Neil: Dad, could you give half of the yellow balloon for grandma's slice? 

It's been so sweet to see Neil develop his willingness to share. It's kind of fun to see him go from sharing a very small bite of something to half of the "most desirable" portion of a birthday cake in such a short period of time. 

My son James also had a birthday (my boys' birthdays are just five days apart) and he turned one year old. Seeing James turn one reminded me of when Neil hit that milestone. It's so strange to think that just four years ago I became a parent and now I have two kids. It feels to me like Neil and James have always been in my life. I love having two growing boys. 

Here a couple photos, one of James on his birthday trying cake and one of Neil on his birthdays going for a ride in grandpa's car. 
