Celebrating May Birthdays!

Somehow David and I are looking to be 3 for 3 on babies with May birthdays! I think it's going to be a lot of fun having a birthday month for my boys. Neil was born May 10 (early, at just shy of 36 weeks), James was born May 5 (also early, but less early and just shy of 38 weeks), and as of today I am 39 weeks with expectant baby boy (due date of May 14)! I'm excited to still be pregnant and think it could be nice to have this baby around 15th so that I can have May 5th, May 10th, and May 15th birthdays. We will see what happens! 

This year we celebrated Neil's 5th birthday early and he had the birthday of his dreams at a local bounce house called Kidz Bounce. Something funny that happened was kids from his preschool class kept wishing him happy birthday at his party and he kept telling them that the day wasn't his birthday. I recommend if you celebrate your turning 5-year-old's birthday early that you prep them for friends wishing them a happy birthday and teach them how to just say thank you. Thankfully Neil has nice friends and they didn't mind him correcting them. I love the confident, full-of-life boy Neil is.

We did a family birthday for James this past week (his 2nd birthday was Cinco de Mayo, so while he's still too little to tell us how he wants to celebrate, we as parents decided we had to have Cafe Rio Mexican food), which was also really fun. Maybe next year we can have a birthday party for him with a piñata. James is my sweet child who loves sleep sack blankets and stuffed animals. I love being the mom to two wonderful boys and am hopeful new baby will fit in great. 

Here are photos/video clips celebrating our May birthday boys:
