James has Wilms' Tumors (Update 6)

Happy New Year! In our last update we shared that James completed radiation treatment for the tumors on his lungs. Since our last update, James has continued to have chemotherapy treatments, and his last chemotherapy appointment is on January 30. 

We were able to complete a scan of his lungs to see the impact of the radiation: The lung tumors did not melt away or shrink, but they appear to not be growing, which is good news. The doctors were able to all come together after the Christmas holiday to make a plan and shared that they would like to perform surgery to remove the tumors in his lungs. The plan is to have a surgery to the left side first on February 17, give James some time to recover, and then have another surgery to the right side on the week of March 6. The doctors believe that after the surgery James will continue to have 100% lung function capacity, which is also good news. It's been a long journey for us, but it's hopeful for us to have an end plan and we hope that treatment will go according to plan. The hope is that we will be done with active treatment sometime in March. 

Our family had a nice Thanksgiving and Christmas this year at home. For Christmas we spent a lot of time with my parents who live close, my brother and his wife, and my younger sister. David's parents joined us from Las Vegas for Christmas day where at church David and his dad sang "Mary Did You Know". It was James's first-time attending church in person in a long time (the doctors have asked us not to take him to church because of his immunosuppressed condition). We used to call James our "secret baby" because while we knew about him, no one else had seen him because of home church previously. We hope to be able to go to church as a family later this year.

Here are some photos of our family:
