Attending Jordan and Jenny's Wedding Reception on Whidbey Island, seeing Deception Pass, and picking Blueberries
This past weekend Grandpa and Grandma watched my kids so that David and I could drive up to Whidbey Island for the day and attend a friend's wedding reception. I really enjoyed being able to have time with David and being able to celebrate Jordan and Jenny.
Jordan and I both worked at a tech consulting firm called Pariveda Solutions together as our first position out of college (now I work at Microsoft and he works at Google). What I love about Jordan is his willingness to meet new people, his enthusiasm for life, and his desire to challenge the status quo. I remember a few years ago listening to him complain about social media (before "The Social Dilemma" appeared on Netflix), and after listening to his position deciding to delete the Facebook application from my phone (so that I could turn off the push notifications and badges), and to also set a time limit per day for my social media apps (screen time is in the settings on an iPhone). I obviously have more work to do, but I enjoy the way Jordan researches his position and encourages himself and others to make changes and be aware of our choices. Another change Jordan has encouraged me on is to exercise and eat better. About a month ago I started exercising more regularly (and tracking measurements such as my resting heart rate, my weight, and body measurements for progress), and it reminded me of Jordan because I remember him showing me different applications he would use at the gym to try to reduce the number of barriers to entry (note: I work out at home and not at a gym due to time issues with my full-time job and little kids). When a plant-based alternative to ground beef came out last year at the grocery store, I started purchasing it regularly, which is not something I believe I would have previously considered had it not been for Jordan's influence.
I remember the week Jordan met Jenny: He was SO excited about her and it was so great to see him excited and to be hopeful for their future together. I think he told me that if she's not the one, he's not sure there could be a one for him. My understanding is that throughout their relationship he has always treated her like his person and they work together to bring each other happiness. They got married last year during the pandemic (probably a very small ceremony) and I'm grateful that David and I got invited to celebrate them this past weekend.
At the wedding reception we got to see a few of our pre-kid friends that we used to attend parties with regularly before starting our own family (note: we do occasionally still see these friends, but it's been less given all the heads up planning an outing can require and of course the pandemic). We loved being able to see and catch up with our old friends: Matthew and Camille (who were married a few years ago: recently welcomed their first baby into their lives. They are obviously great as parents and doing so many things better than we knew how to do when we first became parents. I feel so happy for them and the beautiful life they are building together. In terms of our other friends, Sean is happy with his long-term girlfriend Eunice, Dan has worked up to be a manager now at Pariveda Solutions, and our friend Vijay purchased a home a little over a year ago and recently joined a team at Microsoft. During dinner we ate with with ex-Expedia friends Katherine and Ben. Seeing our friend group at Jordan and Jenny's wedding reception was special for me and I enjoy being in a stage of life where it's possible to have had a friend for >5 years.
David and I drove up to Whidbey Island the evening before the wedding reception, which gave us a full day to be on a date together. I'm so grateful my dad (Grandpa Brad) and my mom (Grandma Kerri) were willing to watch our boys and sleep at our home so that we could go on this date together. Saturday morning we did a 5 miles hike around deception pass bridge area and then afterwards we picked blueberries at a place called Dugualla Bay berries. The berries were so easy to pick that we ended up with more than 6 lbs. Our baby loves blueberries. The day was sunny, wonderful, and very summertime PNW. We had a great time.
Love you all,
-Mrs. M and Mr. D
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