Isaac's Birth Story


Isaac’s birth story

Labor was insanely fast for me. I guess my experience aligns with what they say that 3rd babies come a lot faster than first babies.

I’d been ready to meet Isaac. I took the 2 weeks before my due date off (because both my boys had been more than 2 weeks early, so of course Isaac would be early too), and was pleasantly surprised when May came and then also happy when both May 5th and May 10th (James’s and Neil’s birthdays) passed by too, and I got to still be pregnant. I know most women hate the last bit of their pregnancies because they are so uncomfortable and ready to meet their little ones, but for me I was okay being pregnant because for me it meant one more night’s full rest and more likely Isaac will be just a little more fully developed and maybe fatter and a better sleeper. After Mother’s Day May 15th this year though, the day after my due date, I felt ready to have Isaac in my arms and a little foolish for taking what would be more than 2 weeks of time off work to just do selfcare type activities. Will he come today, tomorrow? When will Isaac get here? Am I sure I’m even pregnant?

I felt the first contraction around 9:30pm or so Monday May 16th. I had decided to prepare Neil (my 5-year-old) that night by telling him that if the following morning mom and dad weren’t in our bedroom (he likes to come greet us in the mornings) that we were at the doctor getting help having the baby. We told him Juliana (our au pair) was home and that she could get him breakfast and care for him and his brother James. Our plan was to call our cousin Trevin who recently moved into the area and he could come over and wfh here so that after Juliana’s day had ended, he could take over caring for the boys, take them out to dinner, etc.

I had a few more contractions before going to bed around 10:30pm. I didn’t know if they meant the real deal or not, but I figured if I was going into labor, I should probably try to at least get a nap in before the storm of caring for a newborn. On one contraction David commented that he’d seen that face I was making before and that this was the real deal. We both tried to get some rest. Around 1:00am I woke up and started timing my contractions to see if it was time to go to the hospital. I tried to give David a couple extra minutes of sleep before waking him up around 1:15am so that we could leave for the hospital. I used the bathroom, grabbed chocolate pudding from the fridge, and made it into the car while David loaded the car with our hospital bags and things to help make the time at the hospital more comfortable. I texted Trevin at 1:20am that I was in labor and told my parents that we were leaving for the hospital around 1:30am.

David and I pulled into the Emergency room parking lot, and I checked in saying I was the one who had called about being in labor while David grabbed our things. The contractions hurt pretty bad and as I was checking in, I got down on my hands and knees (my favorite labor position), to make it through another contraction. When I had timed the contractions earlier, they were 1 minute long and about 4 minutes apart. The staff got a wheelchair for me, the check in nurse confirmed I was “a 6” and I was moved to the labor room. I told them that I was positive for group b and that I wanted the antibody iv and that I also wanted an epidural. They asked more questions, talked to me, and not long later the anesthesiologist was there to administer the epidural. The epidural took the edge off the contractions and it wasn’t long before the doctor came into the room, asked permission to break my water, helped me move into pushing position and we met Isaac at 2:52am. Honestly the last bit of labor was such a blur and I was surprised by how quick it was—I was at the hospital for just over an hour, before meeting Isaac.

Isaac was purple like James was when he was born. He didn’t scream immediately, but the nurse kind of wiggled him a little and before I could worry, Isaac let out a huge wail. He had to cough up fluid for a bit, but I did get time after he was born to snuggle and when he was done coughing up fluids I got to try to nurse him. We moved over to the post-partum section and I tried to rest while Isaac did his first sleep outside the womb.

Birthday: May 17, 2022 at 2:52 am
Birth weight: 7 lbs 8 oz
Length: 19 3/4 inches


Birth stories for Neil and James:
